dumbasses all around
Little Bean, my niece, is very sick right now. She has a fever between 102 and 104, which we can occasionally control with meds (fevers over 103 can cause seizures and brain damage). She was doing ok at first, keeping the temps down and all, but then she spent a day with her father and his parents. They didn't give her any meds on the grounds that "fevers are good for you." We just spent half the night in the hospital because of that. The doctor was furious with him. I was just relieved when she said that she could tell that Little Bean was well adjusted, bright, and had a lot of love and good things in her life. Otherwise we'd probably have been talking to DHS.
Got a call from the landlady today. Crazy ex-roomie wants her security deposit back, and refuses to pay any more rent. Mostly, I want to say "fine, fuck you, I will be happier if I never see your ugly face again." But I don't wanna get financially fucked over. Sometimes I guess what I "mostly" want is to take her to the field out back of her house and kick the shit out of her. But I try not to be violent like that anymore. :)
Top it all off, my dental issues are worse than ever. My teeth are soft, because I had to take a lot of medications as a child. Their crumbling is practically inevitable. I've been dealing with the large chip nearly halving my front teeth for years, but now i have dental insurance, and can get it fixed, and get my wisdom teeth removed. They're pretty bad too. Just one problem: I'm terrified of the dentist. and stitches, gonna make it hard to get the teeth removed. So I put off calling to make an appointment. Then a chunk of one of my wisdom teeth. Dammit. Now I've gotta call.
Posted by
Starry Lady
11:35 PM
Posted by
Starry Lady
3:30 PM