
Don't you people use the internet?!

It has been 12 minutes since polls closed... WHY DOES THE NEWS SITE STILL SAY 0% OF PRECINCTS REPORTING?! HMMM?!
For God's sake people there are machines and computers and internet for a reason... so that I can know the answer NOW.
**to tense to wait much longer**

no on 1, please!

That 11 pound kitten I mentioned in my last post? Well, I left my cat loving mother to feed him while I was away. He is now a 14 pound kitten. IT WAS ONLY 9 DAYS!


Ranch Chimp said...

Hello Ms.Starry Lady!

I just wanted to stop by and visit your site after reading some of your straight up comment's on Ms.Rita's site. I understand you may have been a lil edgy or such.. but I still thought some were entertaining at the same, and gave me a laf!

Yep..I voted today...but here in Dallas it was on BS that most dont like to vote on...yet bitch about when they hear about thing's like raised property taxes,advanced or modified eminent domain legislation or such ... you know... the kind of crap you actually have to read and think...not just look at some overpaid smiling face and decide if you like them or not.

Reading the talk about your 11 pound kitten and it's sudden weight increase .. do you think mother might have been trying to kill the kitten? (just kiddin) :)

Nice meeting you and your site!

Morning Star said...


ya mean ta say mom haz cornered the market on LATEST bodybuilding technique?
((so tickled))

[ok, woulda said it w/Easternbloc accent if ah had one][fer, impact]

rita said...

Sorry to hear your same sex marriage law was overturned by the voters.

From what I read the main argument against it was, it would be taught in schools & the Catholic Church was major contributor/supporter of the repeal campaign... even asking parishes to pass a second collection plate at Sunday mass to help the cause. according to the New York Times article I read.
That sure blurs line between the separation of church & state, IMO.

Apparently the issue will be coming up in again Oregon prob. in 2012. This will be to to lift the constitutional ban on gay and lesbian marriage that passed in 2004.

I am heartened by this belief: as the younger, more liberal minded people become voters the tide will turn. Because for one thing they are more exposed to the gay community & have different attitudes & are more tolerant. I think it is only a matter of time.

I was never fond of scrawny little cats. I always liked big fat ones. More cuddly. :)