
Beginning to feel like a safari

I seriously just want to know what the frig the freakish plants overtaking our front steps are, but can you find them on the internet? Nooooooo. That would be too easy. Particularly the spiny, unfriendly looking one, but I'm pretty concerned over the fact that the 8 FOOT TALL one seems to be suffering some sort of bug problem. IT'S FLAT AGAINST THE HOUSE. I don't want to deal with an infestation because the building manager's too lazy to deal with them himself (assuming he ever shows up again).

Stupid internet.


Anonymous said...

u kNOw what U need..

SHIkari shAMBu!!

greatest hunter who ever lived[TM]

Anonymous said...

when we were kidz, there was this mango tree in our garden that consistently failed to sprout fruit.

now, this entity was a ghastly collection of sap, fertilizer & bugs the like of which consistently made me run away in fear

..icky, in other words

[sigh] long day ahead.
errands2run, places ta go + ppl i dont really wanna see....