my life sucks
my brother just left to move to georgia without saying goodbye to me, because my mom forgot to tell me that he was leaving today and he didn't have time to come see me cause he'd planned on me being at my parents house
my brother just left to move to georgia without saying goodbye to me, because my mom forgot to tell me that he was leaving today and he didn't have time to come see me cause he'd planned on me being at my parents house
Posted by
Starry Lady
5:29 PM
That really does suck, but you are young will probably see him sooner then you think. (Anyway, that what I'm hoping happens. :) It was a long time ago since I was 22.)
I used to think that my life was unfulfilled or somehow imperfect when I had a falling out with my parents or a sibling, but over the years we have all drifted apart. Out of an entire family of seven, I am down to talking with one sister in Ohio every other week. Two siblings live in their own little world and never call or return calls, my other brother has a small child that they and my parents are trying to push at me all the time so I avoid them. My parents are of a right wing hive mind and I cannot have a decent conversation without getting into a divisive political debate. All this used to bother me - but i have come to accept that my life does not need to revolve around my family. Realizing this has lifted a great burden off of me. After many years of dealing with and finally overcoming depression, I never feel the desire to say my life sucks because it is what I make of it. I think it's OK to be sad about losing relationships, but try not to tell yourself that your life sucks. There is so much more in life to cherish - it's all around you. You just have to recognize it. (and I'm not talking about religion)
normally, rev., I'm of the same opinion. My extended family is not close, as many (most) of them are either over privileged bitches or drug addicted alcoholic welfare queens and kings. I've always known I didn't have to be close to my family, that I didn't owe them anything just because we're related. But my brother and I have always had a special relationship, far example, I just had to take a 20 minute break from typing because he called me (finally) to tell me that he was very sick, and he didn't even know where he was (not even if it was SC or GA), and was there anything I could do to help. Sure, I'm in Maine, and I'm broke, but I'm his big sister, so he called me. And I helped him determine where he was, and he's almost to his new home, thank goodness. It was just a shock, and somewhat painful, to be called and told that he was already gone, and no one had told me.
Rita, - Everyone said snuggle the kitten, and I did. A lot. He loved it, and it did help. Good thing, too, because ppl tend to buy me pets when I cry, and I'm thinking I might be able to get something bigger out of this one. (hey, Mom, since you forgot to tell me my brother was leaving in something resembling a timely manner, perhaps we could start talking again about that house you were gonna help me buy? ;) )(only partially kidding)
u have one sibling..itz gotta be difficult.
even with two sumtimes they get to me ((theyre SUPPOSED to)) but it still..i dont know
feelin a bit inarticulate lately, so partial explanation for lack o' posting.
the fact dat he called U to sort 'im out whilst in some kinda sick condition sez alot.
trust, and
dat sorta thing [;
nope, not gettin' away without one o' these...
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