
writers block?

Can I claim writer's block for blogging? Can't seem to muster anything, but I really want to write!
Hmmm, off to look up some topics... livejournal has prompts...

"Do you ever do anything now that you swore you would never do when you were younger? What is it?"
I don't think it's quite safe to answer that one.
What a stupid question though.
Ok, my serious answer: I have friends, and I give people second chances.
I didn't have many trustworthy friends when I was younger. I think it's common knowledge that children are, for the most part, naturally self serving and social climbers. It's a developmental stage. But I was sort of the one that got singled out as weaker... the gimpy gazelle, of sorts (pardon the random imagery).
When I moved two states away from those worthless cretins (I call them that because most of them are now in their 20's and acting EXACTLY THE SAME as middle and elementary school -_- ), I swore, 'no more friends.' I was fairly certain "real" friendship was a sort of fictional construct, similar to the relationships in romance novels.
Lucky me I screwed up ;)

AND alright, I'm outta here.


Rita said...

When I got married I swore I'd never get divorced....& look at me now! I also swore I'd never let myself get past a certain weight. &....well there is other things but that's enough for now.
Thanks for visiting my blog! I hope life is treating you fine. :)

Anonymous said...

REAL friendz r difficult to find.

ppl assume cuz i talk so much its easy to find freinds..

ppl to hang out with, yes

a friend, no.

hopefully more on this later..