
really want this piercing

but the boss said no.


Morning Star said...

bbbbbutt DAT ones for OLDER gurls, evryone knows ur still liek, 7



{{{batz eyes fearlessly}}}
-k honestly? it might scare customers away / grab da wrong kinda attention - in the context of where ya work.

Starry Lady said...

Scare? Wrong attention? ...I think I should ellaborate on a few points - lip piercings are prevelant in the US right now. In the under 25 age range, I'd say common. They are no more scary than a nose ring. I get more compliments on my nose ring than anything, including that my choice to wear a ring rather than a stud is "bold" (in a good way).
And any attention from the dentally challenged rednecks, gangsta wannabe pimps and dealers, or prostitutes who frequent this place in the off season is the wrong attention. And none of the other customers would say anything. There have been other girls who worked for him with lip piercings, and no one said anything. Sure, they didn't get a lot of respect, but it's not the piercings fault they came off as stupid.

ok. that's all.

Morning Star said...

i find the lip-thingy piercingz sexy kay?

and even back then girls plainly overdressed in malls n' stuff![amused@memory]

we.. live in very different worlds
u and i. and im glad of dat. cuz, that kinda thing doesnt happen alot where i am.

just assumed its not very different when u work in certain environments. had to turn away two or three nice jobs in my time back when longhair was possible to keep.

and im pretty confident of yer ability to handle yerself. MOST of da time. just 'ave a hard time seein ya as an adult, som of da time

funny how all dem "characters" turn up there in the off-season. must be lost or something.

or, Bean can turn em into fodder for her storiez..

never told me why u love the nose ring so much.

rita said...

I just talked to one of the girls who works at the local supermarket, she must wear long sleeves to work because of the tattoos on her arms & wrists.

Both of my daughters have had various piercings. What I like about piercing as apposed to tattoos is, if you decide you don't want them...take them out & they are gone.