
I live!

ok, so I magically disappeared for a few days, but I'm back. I've been amazingly busy, and I'll probably continue to be busy for a few days... I'm getting a lot of hours at work, and my friend is inviting me out a lot... I think she's worried about me, but that's a different story.

So, I'll try to be around, we'll see.
I miss you all!


Anonymous said...

awww man..

now me gotta find other sources of entertainment sides' correcting yer spelling!!! ::laughs evilly::

dun ferget to read more Barbie books when u have the chance, cause u need the practice ;)

u mean..shes worried u might go off plunderin' again??

Anonymous said...

::pretend cough:: on more serious note, do try to let others do the heavy liftin' @ work??

going out iz good, but try to incorporate activity that feels meaningful to YOU.

me spent hours, days and weeks doing that sorta thing *going out* before. it takes the edge off but sometimes left me wonderin where the time went!!

when ur better, consider taking one of yer physical/artistic hobbies more seriously

..and feel free to tell us whats botherin ya

me off 2 bed now ;)