

that icon post I told you about? Blogger just decided I didn't need 3/4's of it, so it's gonna be a while... in the meantime... stories from my life! (ranking slightly more interesting than icons) Some of these are just fun to tell because I want to maim the people they're about, some are very personal, but all are connected. A little warning - there are some mentions of cutting in here, if that's a problem,

A little background information: I worked at a store at the local mall for 8 months, only a step down from assistant manager. I had keys to the store, I opened, closed, did bank runs. You get the idea. They loved me. Now, my personal life during this time wasn't so ideal, starting at suicidal just weeks before starting the job, and just continuously going up and down from there. About three months into the job is when I started cutting again (I'd stopped for 10 months), on a Wednesday night when (to justify this, the way my college schedule worked, my weekend was wed - fri) I had been drinking with some friends. I don't drink to the point of being drunk, but apparently I drank enough to feel that since no one wanted me around, cutting myself in the shower was the best idea. This only went for a week, but in that time I managed to go from a small cut above my ankle to cuts on my legs, hips, stomach, and arms. The final straw was when I couldn't find a razor (I'd thrown them away), so I got out a 4 inch, recently sharpened knife, and cut hard. I waited 3 days before telling my friend that I couldn't get it to stop bleeding (not bleeding heavily, but it still wouldn't close). That is when I really went into stopping cutting, and getting myself some help. But it would seem that I'm the kind of person who just swaps one bad habit for another, and I began shoplifting. The therapist I went to later said it was a different self-destructive behavior, I wanted to get caught, blah blah blah, but she wasn't as good as everyone thought she was. At least not for me. It was more likely two things - 1)I knew I wouldn't get caught if I followed certain guidelines, 2) it was an adrenaline rush (as is cutting, sometimes). You know those giant bags you get at the mall around Christmas time? In one night, when I was angry at my manager, I filled one of those and my purse. Ok, enough about my issues. One of the duties I had was to help out in the other stores in the mall that were owned by the same company.

So one day, I was helping out in the other store with their new girl. She was blabbing on and on, telling me things about how she runs the store when she's alone. Things she shouldn't be doing, etc. And she's skanky, but that's a personal issue. At the end of the night, I cleaned the store as she went through closing procedure, including counting the money from the day and bagging it to go to the bank. I watched her do it 'her way,' and knew why she was doing it that way. It looked like a very easy way to rig the count and steal a little from the drawer. Or an idiots way of doing it, either one. So the next day, I told her manager. I liked her manager, I didn't like her. I told her, "if the drawers are wrong tonight, it's because she counted them down like this..." and explained, I didn't go "SHE'S STEALING!"

Not long after, I left the job because my manager was driving me batty, and I didn't need her crazy shit anymore. About 2 weeks later, I was browsing in the store where the skanky girl worked. I had no money, and I was just killing time, but one of my debilitating headaches was coming on. So, I shoved two caffeinated sodas into my bag. Apparently, headaches are not good aides to thievery. She saw me. First mistake.

She made her first mistake when she stopped me before I was out of the door (policy, possibly law says I must leave the store to be stopped), and her second when she announced loudly, "I saw you put those sodas in your bag." (Can't make a scene). I made my second mistake by panicking. Right or wrong is not part of this story, so I'm just going to say, I still could have gotten away with it. But my mind shut down. She called security, she took me out back and told my friend who had NO IDEA what was going on to wait outside, and then proceeded to yell at my friend that she was lucky she wasn't getting in trouble too, skanky girl "knew" she was my "look-out!" Which was bullshit, her third mistake, she can be sued for saying things like that. So, she joined me in the back room, and I had already put the sodas on the table. At that point, there was nothing to do but co-operate and hope that got me bonus points. She looks at me and says "Do you have anything else?" The answer was yes, but I had recovered my brain by then and told her no. They don't search you if you're co-operating. She had already as good as told me she only knew about the sodas. This obviously all went along, I was unfortunate enough to get a security guard with a personal issue with me, etc. So, I get a lawyer, tell her all this,including that I think it was personal... I don't think she would have stopped me if I hadn't known she was stealing, and probably gotten her in trouble. By discrediting me, she saved her ass. Well, my lawyer managed to convince everyone of my side, ie - I never left the store, she had no idea what my intentions were, she was very unprofessional and the stop may have been illegal, and that the issue may have been personal, and that there was a medical reason involved (migraine). Skanky girl was in court that day, to watch... she was probably disappointed when nothing happened. If I don't get in trouble between now and august, I'm all set. No record or anything.

So today, I found out from a friend who still works at that store, what happened to skanky girl. She lost her job because she was stealing thousands and thousands of dollars from the store. My guess is from the registers. Suddenly, they all go, but what about Starry? Poor Starry.... as they realized what happened.


concerned citizen said...

oh, the cutting thing. I had a stint of that way back when.

I was 13, it only lasted a about a year.
During a time of great frustration at home. My parents found out one day, when i walked out into the living room blood dripping from my arms. Their reactions were typical for them.
My mother babbled away, while my father just gave me one of his disgusted looks.
Right after that is when i started running away from home. After running away from home three times I never looked back. I ended up in foster homes & reform school & juvenile detentions. When I wasn't running away from those places I was just another homeless kid.

Hang in kid! Stay out of trouble.please!!!
You sure don't want a record following you around forever.

Anonymous said...

they are interesting, these tales of Mystery and Terror j/k

its terrible to start a job carrying lotsa emotional baggage. been there, done that.
it doesnt seem to help either that the job seems kinda fun, do-able and people actually appreciate yer efforts!!

kinda...winced @ yer cutting details.
what does one need do to convince ya that ur wanted lol
{{dark eyes gleam with half-smile}}
thanks fer sharing it with me.
liek, i'd hug ya if i was there, u know that, rite?

does skank's conviction mean u will be let off easier..
pls try not to panic over it, i know tis easier said than done.

if it makes ya feel better, once muah was taken into custody o'er something stupid.
they thought i was gonna go slasher @ campus on Halloween night. seriously.
and u wonder why the real psychos don't get caught till its too late..

did i mention, MCR's song from Underworld Evolution & Days of the Phoenix*AFI* is currently on my playlist? ;)

Anonymous said...

running away from home iz one of the most painful things u can do.
hey, im glad ur okay now and things look liek they've worked themselves out!

does this mean ur like Jewel? {{grinz}}
she was homeless once too..

u know, we could set up an exclusive club fer self-destructive people, i could be Grand BrainMonkey j/k

concerned citizen said...

In my situation living on the streets was preferable to living at home. This was in the 1970's. It was Different then, they'd put you in Reform school or Juvi(juvenile hall)for running away. they tried putting me in foster homes for awhile but i'd run away from those. Reform school was the last resort. But, I even got away from there 3 times!! ha ha. I quit counting how many times I ran away from different places after 13 times.

The self-destructive club would be a large one that's for sure. :)

Starry Lady said...

L>T ~ I'm guessing that your parents finding out is what made you stop? Or something around that time... you're lucky it only went a year, it's something that gets harder to stop the longer you do it.

My parents actually still don't know, despite my therapist's best efforts to drop hints and push me to tell them... right in front of them. That's why I stopped going. I was 18, I didn't have to tell them, and she wouldn't stop inviting them to the sessions... sometimes not even telling me, my mom would tell me.

I was 12 when I started cutting, but probably 10 when I started hurting myself, if I remember correctly. I almost got caught by a friend when I was 16 (my friends knew I "used to cut"), but that was all until the day I realized I hadn't cut for several months, and told my friend. Then comes the story.

I've got my two reasons to stay out of trouble: my best friends, my plans for myself. I'm going to be all set. Unlike that bitch. ;)

Sol ~ I really did like my job, and for the most part I could keep it seperate from my personal problems... I was very close to one of the girls I worked with, and I've missed her since I haven't been to the mall (I can go back end of this month). She's the one who told my friends what happened to skanky girl, and that she's not mad at me :D (She feels strongly about stealing). The manager was a crazy bitch though, and that was affecting my personal life.

Yeah, I was a little descriptive with the cutting stuff... that's why I put a warning on it ;) I know at least seven people (not family) in my life that make me feel very welcome, and you do make the list. And I'd hug you back.

Unfortunately, whatever happens to her (although from the sounds of it, that could mean jail time) won't have any bearing on my case... but in 2 months, I'm all set anyway.

The real psychos are either hiding it, or sociopaths and therefore to charming to be suspected. The girl in the dorm room next to me worked at Claire's too, and she was a sociopath... she started stealing from them before I even worked there.

I think I need to just make you a playlist all your own, and send it to you. ;) :P

Ohhh, if we have a club, can I be treasurer?! I'm always treasurer!

concerned citizen said...

go for it "treasurer". I don't any of that kind of responibility. Sol can be "Grand Pubah" I'll be "Worthy Cunductor"
I'm not sure what that is but it sounds good.

No my parents finding out did'nt make me stop. it was me leaving that stopped it. It was born out of extreme frustration. I mean that's why i started doing it. I'd forgotten all that until you brought it up. So I'm thinking about it now, from my grown-up perspective.

If I remember right, It always started with me brooding over my frustration of not getting any emotional support from my parents. Tho at the time i didn't know what was wrong, just that I couldn't stand the emotional frustration.(pain)

I always try to see things symbolicly.
I see cutting your self as, A way of saying you are hurting inside. Maybe trying to open it up to purge yourself of it. Bleed out the pain. That is what i think I was doing anyway. It seemed letting my parents know didn't help, because they didn't want to deal with their own responsibilitys. See? To let them know almost made it more frustrating, because i WAS asking them for help without speaking. I mean unconsciencely(?sp.)I did walked in with my arms bare And bleeding from all those razorblade cuts. And the reaction I got was not of understanding or help.

Starry Lady said...

Worthy Conductor... it makes me think of electricity... but many things do :P

hmmm maybe I'll do a big post about it soon, disturb a bunch of people... ;)
The reasons you said are actually the most common ones, from what I've gathered. But different people do it for different reasons. I outlined the whole thing as it applied to me once...

You know what sucks? The whole mature perspective thing while still being stuck in it.

I think the thing that will always upset me is knowing that kids that young are doing that to themselves. More and more now, because it was in some movies, so it's trendy. Ever heard of a cutting club? Mostly junior high girls, getting together in a bathroom or wherever, and passing around a razor or something. It's pretty bad.

Starry Lady said...

My friend reacted pretty well, started getting out bandages and stuff for me, then said, "Starry, look at me," and slapped me. But I needed it, I think. Other than that she hugged me a lot and sked me to stop.

concerned citizen said...

When i was in Reform school there were lots of girls that did that. Not there of course. But some girls had a lot of scars. there was a lot of really bad homemade tattoos, Too. I came a hairs breath from getting one of those. thank God it didn't happen.

Anonymous said...

ur life sounds liek somethin' straight out of a movie!!
understanding is difficult to come by sometimes.
especially when one is different from what is considered the norm {{softe hug}}

once worked for one REAL a__hole in my life and believe me, t'was enough.

{{{brite smile}}}

let me know how it goes, ya?
and..if ya wanna forward some particulars, i have a pal who might be able to go o'er it.
a VERY close friend ;)

was thinkin' earlier today..u believe in Fate?
liek, alot of things went wrong but when u really think bout it, if u had truly given up, lost all hope, or did something really stupid..u would not be here, not in one piece {{eyez raking floor}}
mebbe..and it might not seem that way sometimes, someone or something might be lookin o'er ya ;P

oh reali..
me lookin' forward 2 such a playliste!
Gerard's bio kick a$$ btw.

lol treasurer it iz then

Lil Mizfit said...

hmmm...i ain't gonna preach abt what was wrong oand what is right. all i'd say is, personal mistakes always provide entertainment for others...mine alwayz do *sigh*

concerned citizen said...

thanks sol; well, it's all true & I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
I used to think of myself as a total fuck-up.
Now, I prefer to think of myself as a survior.

The trouble is, you can spend your whole life trying to fix yourself.

Anonymous said...

l>t ~ ...or an eternity ;)

perhaps though, with a vision of what u want ur life to be, its possible to sideline or, go on with things whilst fixing things inside.
life has this habit of takin me by surprise sometimes..upsetting plans and stuff.
then again, im thankful fer certain upsets {{shadowed smile}}