
Where have I been?

Moping, bitching, throwing shoes and walking away from my friends, telling my father that he's being a jerk, avoiding people... let me tell you, that can keep a girl busy.

So, a few days ago, my father started the day with his usual hissy fit, following form and aiming at me. I'm lazy, inconsiderate, I never do anything, I'm making it up, I act like I don't care about my life, I need to choose a career or go back to school, etc. It started out with I need to do more around the house (I do more than he acknowledges) or it might be time for me to "move on." After he was done with me, he moved on to my brother, and eventually ended up screaming at my mother that she makes him do all the disciplining and doesn't support him. What happened next actually happens every 2 to 3 years, and although nothing ever comes of it, my friends know how much it bothers me: he informed my mother he was 'leaving.' In the 'not coming back' sense. Now, as my mother put it, 'who waters the lawn if they're actually leaving?' But that does not change that it is hurtful, and he made my mother cry. I'm still angry that he would do anything that made her cry.

I ended up calling my friend crying, and asking her to come to my house, because I was so upset I was shaking, and I still had to go to work.

He came back about 3 hours later, and the situation has obviously resolved itself, but I've just been in a mood ever since. I've yelled and snapped at people, I've avoided my father, when one of my friends got snappy at the other for no reason (they're idiots, both of them I swear... ok, I didn't mean that, it just always happens) I yelled 'jesus christ', threw my show and walked away (not the type of behavior I usually display in public), and the list goes on. On a side note, I wasn't wearing my shoe because I was getting sand off my feet, I didn't take it off just to throw it.

The worst part is how I'm eating... now, I've mentioned my eating habits on here before. I eat like a pig, and I binge sometimes. Not this week. I've eaten maybe a meals worth (a meal for me, anyway) of food a day since this all happened. Which I figured would resolve itself before it became a problem, it always does (sometimes I do this for 2 or 3 days when stressed). But today I was wicked dizzy, and that is probably a bad sign. And when I think about eating more, I get sick.

So I'm just all worried that I've lost my mind, in case anyone is wondering what this all amounts too.


Anonymous said...

u know u can email me anytime.

need some time fer this to sink in

..in the meantime
::hugz her softely::

Anonymous said...

whew! u got mail ::grinz::

Anonymous said...

::rubs hands together::
trust im not sayin too much..

back when i was a kid, i scored really well in studies. for some reason, things went downhill during my 16th year.

as a result, parents were harder on me cuz they figured i could do much better with myself; after all, the benchmark had been set by none other than me!!!

so, maybe u had a brilliant childhood too, kinda..and now people are using ur own strengths back then as a yardstick against how 'poorly' your doing now.

it ain't fair, i know. mebbe we should spread the word, then less kids would try so hard @ school..j/k

hope ya dont feel so bad, and..i wanted to tell ya, if u get real upset or something there r people who really care bout you ;)

::softe hug::

Anonymous said...




concerned citizen said...

oh hon, I feel bad for you too. if i was there i give you a big hug.

I shouldn't diss on anyones father but, he's being very manipulative acting like that.
Kinda hard to resolve issues & talk about things sensibly when he's throwing a fit.

Peole that threaten to leave & don't do it are usally stuck in a pattern of unresolved issues.

family dynamics can be a BITCH!

Starry Lady said...

Sol ~ I did unbelievably well until about 13, when my depression really started to set in. Part of the problem is that everyone belives I can do better, I even believe I can do better, but I haven't managed yet. I'm not giving up hope, but my dad seems to feel that early success is a hugely important thing in MY life. Thanks for the links, they made me smile. And I am feeling better, and I'm eating more again... not so much as usual, but enough that I'm not losing weight.

l>t ~ Part of this hissy fit, I know, was that I "talked back." I was polite and reasonable, but was basically telling him that he was not polite or reasonable. People don't like to be told that.
Also, I don't know if you remember my old header on here, where I mentioned not taking my meds? I learned that one from him. Except everyone can tell when he doesn't take his meds.

Anonymous said...

u kinda hit the nail on the head. u too, believe u can do better and thats why it stings when someone mentions it in sarcastic fashion.

its like that Eminem song, "failure is not a motherf__king option" people who feel like they are capable of great things tend to beat themselves up more than anyone else ever could..we're like, our own worst enemy ::swallows::

alright, nuff' grimness fer now. ::grinz:: me glad ur feelin better and eating more!!

do post Oliver kitty's pic sometime?