happy 4 year blogging anniversary to me, and happy Christmas to you all! Now, to sleep! (so santa can come)
happy 4 year blogging anniversary to me, and happy Christmas to you all! Now, to sleep! (so santa can come)
Posted by
Starry Lady
2:40 AM
...so, we leave cnn on all day at work, sound only, so I'm listening to Larry King live... and he's interviewing that beautyqueen or whatever who gave the ..."unpopular" answer to a question about gay marriage, andnow has a book called "still standing" ...
this bitch is either crazy or stupid.
He tried to ask her about her settlement and such involving being fired (I think) and all she'll say is that's confidential, and the real issue is they way the media victimizes conservative women, and Sarah Palin is her role model, and did I mention I wrote a book? **Giggle**
So he asked, when it came to light about your sex tape from when you were 17, and she interupts him that she's not interested in talking about that. He asks if she at least disclosed it to the miss america pagaent ppl, due to the morals clause in their contract, and she says... "that's not why I was fired. "
He knows that. That was not the question. Did she disclose it? "That is not why I was fired"
Repeat. He gives up.
Every question.... not the issue, I love Palin, I wrote a book. Giggle. (The giggle was unbelievably annoying)
Eventually, when he asked ANYTHING, she'd just respond with "That's confidential", eventually escalating to, "Larry, that's just not appropriate" (to a totally innocent question.) She even had a hissy fit and stopped talking to him when he took a phone call, cause apparently that was secretly against the rules.
Oh, by the way, women need to stick together, 'cause the media victimizes conservative women. But not liberal women. They have it easy. Everyone likes them. Yup. (I'm throwing this in with some other favorite ideas that I hear floating around... "black people can't be racist", "you can't understand opression like I do 'cause your ancestors owned slaves", etc. Sorry for the narrow focus there, those are just the 2 I hear most often. From uppermiddleclass types. And My family is french-irish and only in the US a few generations. ok, NOW I'm just bitching about pet peeves.)
Sorry about the amazing crappiness of this post, I'm typing while at work and listening to cnn
Posted by
Starry Lady
9:54 PM
It has been 12 minutes since polls closed... WHY DOES THE NEWS SITE STILL SAY 0% OF PRECINCTS REPORTING?! HMMM?!
For God's sake people there are machines and computers and internet for a reason... so that I can know the answer NOW.
**to tense to wait much longer**
no on 1, please!
That 11 pound kitten I mentioned in my last post? Well, I left my cat loving mother to feed him while I was away. He is now a 14 pound kitten. IT WAS ONLY 9 DAYS!
Posted by
Starry Lady
8:10 PM
Not too much, really. Working, mostly. I've got a pretty good job, but financially life still sucks, so I'm gonna be looking for more...
Hmmm...oooo, my cats broke a window! don't know how, but they seem to have smashed out one of our window panes. It's two floors up, so it's not a security worry, but it is getting pretty damn cold outside...
Pluto-Panda is a big big baby now. He's an 11 pound kitty now... he was about 1 pound in the last pictures that I got to post! And he's sweet and loving, if a little annoying sometimes (he's only 7.5 months old though, that's normal.)
AND I'm going to Florida in a week and a half and an AFI concert in 3 days!
Good times...
Posted by
Starry Lady
12:21 AM
I have a comp that works again.... OH GOD THANK YOU!
Posted by
Starry Lady
1:12 PM
computer still very, very nonfunctional. I am currently blogging from the library. The computer will probably never function again, taking all my pics and info with it to the computer abyss. And i hate this keyboard. sad day.
Posted by
Starry Lady
4:23 PM
I work at the front desk of a hotel these days. I love it.
Except when I have to check in the people doing the petition to undo the new gay marriage law.
"Ooooh, 204, that's 6, 6 is death and destruction, can I have a different room?"
Posted by
Starry Lady
1:04 AM
my brother just left to move to georgia without saying goodbye to me, because my mom forgot to tell me that he was leaving today and he didn't have time to come see me cause he'd planned on me being at my parents house
Posted by
Starry Lady
5:29 PM
Holy crap... I don't usually follow American Idol... ok, I've NEVER followed American Idol, but the guy that didn't win? Adam Lambert?
Holy crap.
He's good.
Posted by
Starry Lady
11:54 AM
So, I figured it was time for my semi-seasonal blog overhaul... it keeps me from getting bored. Damn fucking ADD.
Mostly just changed the colors, but I did a new "about me" quote stolen from despair.com, the demotivators section. Those things kill me, I hate pithy little motivational posters. Check it out, it's my desk top right now: Priorities.
Also worth noting: Blogging.
So, ya'll remember I quit my job? My new job is fabulous so far, and Bean has worked for them for one year next month, and still loves them (She's 23, and holding a job for more than 8 months set a record for her, to put that in perspective), so I'm feeling good here :D
Also, to go with the new job... new KITTEN!
He's my baby, made of love. I present to you, Pluto-Panda. (Pluto like the Roman god of death, and panda 'cause he's so cute and black and white. Hyphen because I couldn't just pick one. Half the time I call him Plu or Bubby)
And just because I can't stop laughing over it...
Posted by
Starry Lady
9:47 PM
Can I claim writer's block for blogging? Can't seem to muster anything, but I really want to write!
Hmmm, off to look up some topics... livejournal has prompts...
"Do you ever do anything now that you swore you would never do when you were younger? What is it?"
I don't think it's quite safe to answer that one.
What a stupid question though.
Ok, my serious answer: I have friends, and I give people second chances.
I didn't have many trustworthy friends when I was younger. I think it's common knowledge that children are, for the most part, naturally self serving and social climbers. It's a developmental stage. But I was sort of the one that got singled out as weaker... the gimpy gazelle, of sorts (pardon the random imagery).
When I moved two states away from those worthless cretins (I call them that because most of them are now in their 20's and acting EXACTLY THE SAME as middle and elementary school -_- ), I swore, 'no more friends.' I was fairly certain "real" friendship was a sort of fictional construct, similar to the relationships in romance novels.
Lucky me I screwed up ;)
AND alright, I'm outta here.
Posted by
Starry Lady
8:30 PM
So, these are pretty accurate.. not completely, sadly, but pretty damn close.
Some of the quizzes I'm just gonna save us all time and post links to them, because really, I only need to post the same results 1 or 2 times (taking 8 quizzes that tell me the same thing that I already knew about myself? that never gets old.)
So here we go, a whole new slew of personal info about me
In quiz result format. ;)
Your Ultimate Purity Test 2.0 Score Is... | ||||
Your Score: | Average For All Users | Average For All Bisexual Moderate Single Pink-Skinned 19 to 25-Year old Females (47 total) | ||
Dating | 34.62% | 34.26% | 24.06% | Dated seriously |
Self-Lovin' | 40.91% | 60.76% | 50.32% | When I think about you - or anyone - I touch myself |
Shamelessness | 83.87% | 77.32% | 67.4% | Has yet to see self in mirror |
Sex Drive | 64.29% | 75.01% | 65.81% | A fool for love, but not always |
Straightness | 40.74% | 39.2% | 26.99% | Experienced, but with room to grow |
Gayness | 20.37% | 77.82% | 46.1% | Makes Dr. Frank-n-Furter look tame |
Dominant | 83.33% | 86.54% | 83.97% | Afraid to cross at "Don't Walk" signs |
Submissive | 92.06% | 86.86% | 80.89% | Submits to no one... almost |
Fucking Sick | 74.49% | 89.74% | 84.19% | Dipped into depravity |
Total Score | 62.74% | 73.62% | 63.35% | |
Take The Ultimate Purity Test 2.0 and see how you match up! (By The Ferrett) |
Posted by
Starry Lady
4:37 PM
I will warn you that this is all about the Disney movie Aladdin...
So, I'm reading through a forum call "it Just Bugs Me" on tv tropes, laughing at all the ppl whining about the little flaws and logic gaps and plot holes in frikkin disney movies, when I come across a raging debate about whether or not Genie ever granted Aladdin's first wish ("Make me a prince"), the problem being that late in the movie he is exposed as being NOT a prince. Theoretically, Geinie owes Al a wish. Others feel that the wish was sufficiently granted in that all would have been well had Jafar not exposed him. The question of 'well, if he's not a prince, where'd he get that parade?' gets brought up, leading to the thoughts that MAYBE Genie can bring life from nothing, so PERHAPS he created a kingdom for Al to be prince of... all this silliness caps off (for me) in the quote -
Maybe he did. Perhaps there's a kingdom out there somewhere that's sitting around going,"Where the fuck is Ali? He's been gone for AGES!"
Posted by
Starry Lady
9:42 PM
My poor neighbor, Sweety* (names changed 'cause I always change the names, you know that), she's young, cute, and just a little thing, and all these ASSHOLES that live around here are giving her crap. She's got people just showing up at her apartment and kinda bullying their way in, people making her nervous on the streets, and NOW some random guy "from the building next door "(he says) just SHOWS UP, and stands outside her door. We don't have peepholes or chains on our doors, just our knob locks and bolt locks. She would look under her door, and see his feet. She could hear him come up, but he didn't even knock or say anything. Now, I gave her pepper spray after the first guy bothered her, and she had that out and called the cops, and they took 20 minutes to show up! (the dispatcher didn't believe her, I think. "You're 19 and you live alone with your son?" she says) Worse, the guy was still there when the cops showed. I think they arrested him for something (unrelated) but damn, that's not cool! I wish she'd called me so I at least knew what was happening, she's literally across the hall from me.
Posted by
Starry Lady
9:47 PM
I just encountered the headline "Why Ordinary People Murder Their Families." While I did not read this article, I do have something to say about that headline:
Even if we're only looking at this from a statistical, non-psychological point of view, THEY DON'T.
For pete's sake.
Also, I went to a fiddling workshop today. It was very fun, and the girl who taught it was my age, nose ring like mine, funny bumper stickers on her car ("When Jesus said love your enemies, he probably meant don't kill them"), and she's a famous and accomplished fiddler (http://www.lissafiddle.com/). Like I said, TONS of fun. Two little problems though: the violin and the fiddle are THE EXACT SAME INSTRUMENT. The difference is stylistic. I am not a fiddler. I am a violinist. I like classical styling and sheet music. Apparently, I am not so good at "Here I'll play it now you play it." No sheet music. all by ear, VERY FAST. I sucked. But, frankly, a lot of the ppl there were a little weak on it, which is probably why they were there... to learn. That's why I went.
The other problem? Violins are very sensitive to issues like temperature and humidity. My violin it about 40 yrs old. At some point over the last several months, most likely today when I brought it outside into the cold, it cracked a little. I am sad, and desperately hoping it will be alright. But I forgot it in my mom's car, so I can't check... I hope she noticed!
Posted by
Starry Lady
5:51 PM
fun first, because that's way more important ;)
Just to waste some time:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, IPod, etc.)
2. Put it on shuffle.
3. Press play.
4. For the first question, type the song that's playing.
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button twice.
6. Don't lie and try to pretend you're cool...just type it in.
Opening Credits:
"Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves" - Cher
...I'm gonna keep my commentary to myself on that one...
Waking Up:
"Miss Independen"t - Kelly Clarkson
First Day at School:
"This Celluloid Dream" - AFI
Falling In Love:
"So Cold" - Breaking Benjamin
So far, my movie-life is a bitch...
Losing Virginity:
"Little Things" - Good Charlotte
LOL "To everyone who has ever been called a freak, this is for you"
Fight Song:
"Leader of the Pack" - Shangri Las
That's just... not a fight song. Just not.
Breaking Up:
"Jump Around" - House of Pain
"The Killing Lights" - AFI
AFI gets most of the school related ones...
oooo brb... my dad loaded the hard drive from their old computer onto mine when theirs died (To retrieve the files, and now I get to keep it for storage space), so I have other peoples music and podcasts and crap on here, and it just tried to play a sermon at me.
OK, and we're back with... "Born of the Night" - Midnight Syndicate
Rock. On. Awesome.
Mental Breakdown:
"Hard Knock Life" - Annie
...don't mock my music.
"Echo" - Trapt
"Tango Amoure" - Andrea Berg
Note that this song is not in English, thusly I have no idea what it's about. Besides love. But it's music, my choices are pretty much love or violence.
Getting Back Together:
"Fur Elise" - Beethoven
"She Hates Me" - Puddle of Mud
That bodes well...
Birth of a Child:
"Thank God I'm Pretty" - Emilie Autumn
Final Battle:
"Santeria" - Sublime
"daddy's got a new 45..."
Death Scene:
"Thnks Fr Th Mmrs" - Fall Out Boy
ya know what the best part is? I totally just went through my playlist going, ok, write it down click twice write it down repeat... and got the right number of songs
Less Funny:
So there was a dude who had a tv something or other (show? channel? the detail is escaping me) devoted to breaking down the stereo types about Muslims. Then his wife tried to divorce him, so he beheaded her.
more personal less funny:
Lately, I've been noticing a lot of general anger towards christians, mainly in the blogs I've been browsing. I get why people frequently dislike the religion, I really do (example, my computer just tried to correct me into capitalizing "christians" but did not give a damn about capitalizing "muslims"), and at least one case I can recall is someone who was once a christian (not you, Rita/LT whatever I'm supposed to call you darling, you are marvelously fair on the matter) and seems to have a lot of anger towards it, probably from their experiences.
However, one other I can recall was a commenter on a blog who had plenty to say about "what the Bible says" but was, frankly, talking out his ass. Completely clueless on something he felt very comfortable running his mouth about. Normally, in these cases, I would politely offer a correction and some links to back up what I was saying, but as this was a conversation touching on not only religion but a bit of a touchy 'political' issue, I was concerned that speaking up would just start a fight. The seeming arrogance of the commenter also fed into this conclusion (look at me, sounding all formal, can't you tell I'm a little nervous even writing it here? I feel like the shy kid trying not to get bullied while people throw around rude or uneducated statements about her, not knowing she's listening... or not caring.).
The other side of it is that some ppl may have come away from that believing that authoritative voice, and I feel like I may have done myself and them a disservice by not speaking up.
My choices - let someone get away with sharing their ignorance (I realize I'm being a little harsh in some of my words, but I don't always have to play nice, I feel a little bit like I've been challenged), or speak up and possibly start a fight in plain view of intelligent people who's opinions I respect, even when I disagree. I still haven't decided which was the right choice.
Posted by
Starry Lady
6:48 PM
This is not a bad story. Nothing bad happens to children in it or after it. Just some thoughts from me.
So, when I was six years old, I was chillin' with some local kids at one of their parents houses (At least, I think his kid was there, he had 2 of them...). I come home from this charming and popular dudes house and ask my mother to "never make me go there again." No reason, I just didn't like him and didn't want to be near him.
My mother, having always listened to her gut when it said "Stay away! Bad" or such to her, believed me that I would also know this feeling, and listened to me.
Fast forward 16 years and the invention of facebook. All of a sudden, some dude my mom's age, from my previous local, friends a whole bunch of my childhood buddies, and sends a friend request to me. I'm sittin here going, "who the hell is this dude? He freaks the hell outta me. Doesn't feel right. I'm gonna leave it unanswered for now." So, I go to my mom, "hey, do I know a ***** ****?" and she tells me the story.
All I can think is I don't know what this seemingly nice guy who is still loved by all the other kids my age did to freak me out, but it stuck, and I love my mama for listening and believing a crazy little girl. I'm almost never wrong when I get that feeling on people.
Posted by
Starry Lady
9:47 PM
So, I was getting gas yeterday, and when it was done pumping I went in to get some sandwiches. I then remembered that I had not hung the nozzle back up, and I couldn't run my debit card inside till I did that. So I run outside to do so, but on my way out the door the bitch in front of me swings it back at me full force. It seemed pretty intentional, but I'm on cold meds, so I figured, 'huh, what a bitch, whatever.' Now, I get to my car, which she's parked right next to, and she's talking to her friends through the window, seemingly about me. I figure, cold meds = paranoid, and go about my business. I go back in, I pay, I come out and get in my car. This whole time they're watching me, and I'm trying to ignore them. It's definitly not paranoia anymore.
I get in my car,and they're right next to me, window rolled down, waiting for me to look. So I figure, what the hell, I'll see what this is about. They start going on about 'hey, Amber pointed you out, fancy seeing you here, have an AWEFUL night' and then speed off as I'm yelling, "I don't know who you are."
Today, I figured it out. Almost 24 hours later, as I was driving by the same gas station.
Ex-boyfriend from, I'm not kidding, 3 1/2 years ago.
I only met the "Amber" one once, and was left with the impression that she was as dumb as a rock, and the leader one that actually managed to talk to me was just filed away in my brain under "one of many local bleach-blonde, over make-uped skanks," So I didn't recognize them at first. And to the girl in the back seat who didn't have the guts to roll down the window? Coward.
And incidents like this, ladies and gentlemen, are one of many reasons I am reluctant to date right now. 3+ yrs later, and their friends still try to assault you.
Posted by
Starry Lady
5:19 PM
Just a little something anyone who's driven in the snow before really ought to know: If your car/van/truck/whatever is on an ice patch, and you can't get it to go, TURN THE WHEEL. Especially if you're on a hill.
I've listened to no less than 3 separate vehicles try to just drive straight out of iced-up, on-street parking, up hill. IT'S NOT GONNA HAPPEN. Sorry.
The last one? A cop was parked directly across from them for 5 minutes, and didn't even offer some advice. Douchebag. I went down after 10 minutes of spinning tire noise to tell them that if they just turned the wheel they'd get right out. THE GUY TRIED TO ARGUE WITH ME. At my insistence he tried it anyway. Slid right out.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some locally made soda to drink, purchased from a locally owned candy shop, along with locally made chocolates and maple sugar candies.
Posted by
Starry Lady
9:48 PM